Reading to Learn Teacher Resource Package Pdf

What I Have Learned About Reading


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@ roxanamurariu

Roxana Murariu

Web developer writing essays near mindset, productivity, tech and others.

There is a cognitive bias called the sunk cost fallacy. We hesitate to abandon a strategy or a plan considering we already have invested time, money, energy in it, even if dropping that specific activeness would exist more helpful for united states of america. With the sunk price fallacy in mind, we would gain more than if we do non cease a book nosotros practice non savour.

Fourth dimension is non-regenerable and is not worth spending our time on slow or bad books. Usually, after fifty-100 pages, I can guesstimate if I want to finish the volume I am reading. Furthermore, some books are nil more glorified blog posts. I skim through such books once I sympathise the main idea, and I practise not necessarily complete them.

"You cannot step into the same river twice"

As Heraclitus remarked, we can't cross the same river twice, as we inverse, and the river changed. Similarly, we cannot read the aforementioned volume twice. The insights we gain from a book modify with each rereading.

Adam Grant says in his Originals book:

Déjà vu occurs when we encounter something new, only it feels as if we've seen information technology earlier.Vuja de is the reverse — nosotros face up something familiar, but we see it with a fresh perspective that enables united states to gain new insights into old problems.

Books we found impressive as teenagers metamorphose as entirely different books in our adult years. Nosotros changed, we have other perspectives regarding the book'south topic, we experience deja vu.

The prepared environment

Like I wrote in a previous article, I tend to gear up my surround. I have books in the living room, books in each bathroom, books on my desk-bound, and books in my bag. I also read between three or five books at a time. In this way, there is always a book for my mood. If I have more time, I can settle into a non-fiction volume. If I feel exhausted, I will enjoy a light read.


Marginalia, or taking notes on the margins of a volume, is a disputed topic. Some would crySacrilege! Others come across marginalia as a required method for understanding the reading materials, an constructive style of transferring knowledge from author to reader. What I do is that I mark the corners of the pages where I underlined text passages or where I scribbled notes.

The paper versus digital books debate

Enquiry shows that the reading medium matters. There are differences in reading comprehension betwixt impress and screen mediums, and information technology is more efficient to read from newspaper, especially for not-fiction or bookish enquiry. Information technology is unrealistic to avoid reading from digital devices. Thus, researchers suggest agile reading reduces the differences between reading on paper versus reading on screen: highlighting, thinking, note-taking.

Taking notes

I started to have more insights from the books I read afterward I committed to taking notes. This step is crucial for me as some articles of mine began to grow afterwards I noticed the aforementioned thought referenced in dissimilar books (due east.g., Shoshin, the Zen concept that applies to companies, science, and personal development). I write the quotes or the notes from a book's pages I marked in a Leuchtturm notebook.

On the content section of the notebook, I write the book title and the page number where I started taking notes for that book. Equally I read multiple books simultaneously, I found that it is better to take notes after reading, not while reading a volume. This way, I get a mental space for the concepts and ideas from that book to settle.

Input versus output

Reading 20 books

As to reading, in that location is little value to gain in focusing on the output (e.g., I volition read l-100 books in one year). I could easily read three brusk books in one calendar week or barely terminate an enormous book in one month. By setting a fixed number of books per year, I might bustle through short books, racing to accomplish a goal. And that takes from the pleasure of reading.

"In the case of good books, the indicate is not to see how many of them y'all can become through, but rather how many can get through to you." ―Mortimer J. Adler

Information technology is more important to focus on the input by creating a reading habit. Due east.g: I volition read for ten minutes every day. I will read three pages every solar day. Whenever I want to check social media, I will read one page.

It might not surprise y'all how much I can read in a day if I supervene upon my phone interactions with reading a volume. The beauty of compound interest in reading is that the more I read, the more fourth dimension I seem to find for reading.

Reading recommendations

I am wary of recommending books. What I find exciting and compelling, others could find dull and boring. Then, reading is context-depending. Some books would be tremendous at one stage in our life and perfectly ignorable at some other stage of our life. Thus, even if somebody recommends me a book today, unfortunately, I might truly blot that volume'due south essence subsequently in my life … or never. We all accept our peculiar reading tastes that nosotros don't demand to defend — de gustibus.

Over two yard years ago, the Greek historian Polybius remarked that "the most instructive, indeed the but method of learning to bear with dignity the vicissitude of fortune, is to recall the catastrophes of others." From Roman soldiers to women fighting in the 2d earth war, from fantasy to autobiographies, from mystery novels to poetry, from social movements to psychology, books permit us to live multiple lives in just one.

The best moments in reading are when you come up across something – a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things – which you had thought special and item to y'all. At present here it is, fix downwardly by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long expressionless.And it is as if a mitt has come out and taken yours. Alan Bennett

Previously published at


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